The Best Keyboard Shortcuts in Ableton Live
using shortcuts while performing repetitive tasks in software can save you up to 60 hours per year according to some estimates. ableton is no exception - that's more time you can spend on your productions or buying groceries or whatever. so let's review some of the top shortcuts for ableton live!
many of these you may (should) already be duly familiar with but there are a few that can escape even a seasoned producer. definitely have a look and let me know what stands out to you as the most useful shortcut.

The Best Keyboard Shortcuts in Ableton Live
using shortcuts while performing repetitive tasks in software can save you up to 60 hours per year according to some estimates. ableton is no exception - that's more time you can spend on your productions or buying groceries or whatever. so let's review some of the top shortcuts for ableton live!
many of these you may (should) already be duly familiar with but there are a few that can escape even a seasoned producer. definitely have a look and let me know what stands out to you as the most useful shortcut.

The Best Keyboard Shortcuts in Ableton Live
using shortcuts while performing repetitive tasks in software can save you up to 60 hours per year according to some estimates. ableton is no exception - that's more time you can spend on your productions or buying groceries or whatever. so let's review some of the top shortcuts for ableton live!
many of these you may (should) already be duly familiar with but there are a few that can escape even a seasoned producer. definitely have a look and let me know what stands out to you as the most useful shortcut.

Play from Playhead
Shift + Spacebar
Insert time
cmd + i
Delete time
cmd + shift + delete
Loop selection
cmd + l
More looping shortcuts
cmd + arrow
Follow transport
cmd + shift + f
Cut automation only
cmd + alt + x
Duplicate envelopes only
option + cmd + d
fn + f9
Show fades
cmd + option + f
Duplicate time
cmd + shift + d
Paste time
cmd + shift + v
Insert tracks
cmd + t & cmd + shift + t
Create midi clip
cmd + shift + m
Grid shortcuts
cmd + 1, 2, 3, 4
Global quantization
cmd + 0 & cmd + 9
Exclusive arm/solo
cmd + click
Render selection
cmd + shift + r
Mute tracks
fn + f1, f2, f3, etc.
cmd + j
Split clip
cmd + e
cmd + d
Open preferences
cmd + ,
cmd + shift + u
Group devices
cmd + g
Deactivate (anything?)
Map modes
cmd + m, cmd + k
Play from Playhead
Shift + Spacebar
Insert time
cmd + i
Delete time
cmd + shift + delete
Loop selection
cmd + l
More looping shortcuts
cmd + arrow
Follow transport
cmd + shift + f
Cut automation only
cmd + alt + x
Duplicate envelopes only
option + cmd + d
fn + f9
Show fades
cmd + option + f
Duplicate time
cmd + shift + d
Paste time
cmd + shift + v
Insert tracks
cmd + t & cmd + shift + t
Create midi clip
cmd + shift + m
Grid shortcuts
cmd + 1, 2, 3, 4
Global quantization
cmd + 0 & cmd + 9
Exclusive arm/solo
cmd + click
Render selection
cmd + shift + r
Mute tracks
fn + f1, f2, f3, etc.
cmd + j
Split clip
cmd + e
cmd + d
Open preferences
cmd + ,
cmd + shift + u
Group devices
cmd + g
Deactivate (anything?)
Map modes
cmd + m, cmd + k
if you enjoyed this article, make sure to have a look for at this simple hack for making your own keyboard shortcuts in live. thanks for reading!
if you enjoyed this article, make sure to have a look for at this simple hack for making your own keyboard shortcuts in live. thanks for reading!
if you enjoyed this article, make sure to have a look for at this simple hack for making your own keyboard shortcuts in live. thanks for reading!
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