Suggested Default Presets for Ableton Live
Default presets can save you time and keep you focused on producing music rather than repetitious setup. Of all the suggestions in this article, the most important is simply that you customize your default presets to be tailored to your unique workflow. The particulars are somewhat arbitrary and rather dependent on how you use the devices, but I hope you'll find inspiration in the ideas and recommendations below. To be clear, none of these are "best settings" for any given effect - they are merely best starting points.

Suggested Default Presets for Ableton Live
Default presets can save you time and keep you focused on producing music rather than repetitious setup. Of all the suggestions in this article, the most important is simply that you customize your default presets to be tailored to your unique workflow. The particulars are somewhat arbitrary and rather dependent on how you use the devices, but I hope you'll find inspiration in the ideas and recommendations below. To be clear, none of these are "best settings" for any given effect - they are merely best starting points.

Suggested Default Presets for Ableton Live
Default presets can save you time and keep you focused on producing music rather than repetitious setup. Of all the suggestions in this article, the most important is simply that you customize your default presets to be tailored to your unique workflow. The particulars are somewhat arbitrary and rather dependent on how you use the devices, but I hope you'll find inspiration in the ideas and recommendations below. To be clear, none of these are "best settings" for any given effect - they are merely best starting points.

Below in this article, we detail the changes we've made to Live's default presets and our reasoning behind those changes for every Audio Effect. To make the process of updating your default presets to these even easier, we've put together a download of .adv settings for every device. Installation is simple:
Open the folder that corresponds to your version of Live.
Then, simply drag the “Audio Effects” folder onto the "Defaults (macOS)" shortcut or the "Defaults (PC)" shortcut.
Alternatively, open the “Suggested Default Presets” Ableton Live set to view all default presets on one track. Right click and choose “Save as Default Preset” for any device you want.
That's all there is to it. Download our pack at the link below and read up on its contents in the rest of the article.
As we go through detailing our settings for each device, you can click on the images to toggle between Live's stock default preset (in grey) and our recommended one. Both provide a perspective on how you might want to set your defaults.
Below in this article, we detail the changes we've made to Live's default presets and our reasoning behind those changes for every Audio Effect. To make the process of updating your default presets to these even easier, we've put together a download of .adv settings for every device. Installation is simple:
Open the folder that corresponds to your version of Live.
Then, simply drag the “Audio Effects” folder onto the "Defaults (macOS)" shortcut or the "Defaults (PC)" shortcut.
Alternatively, open the “Suggested Default Presets” Ableton Live set to view all default presets on one track. Right click and choose “Save as Default Preset” for any device you want.
That's all there is to it. Download our pack at the link below and read up on its contents in the rest of the article.
As we go through detailing our settings for each device, you can click on the images to toggle between Live's stock default preset (in grey) and our recommended one. Both provide a perspective on how you might want to set your defaults.
Below in this article, we detail the changes we've made to Live's default presets and our reasoning behind those changes for every Audio Effect. To make the process of updating your default presets to these even easier, we've put together a download of .adv settings for every device. Installation is simple:
Open the folder that corresponds to your version of Live.
Then, simply drag the “Audio Effects” folder onto the "Defaults (macOS)" shortcut or the "Defaults (PC)" shortcut.
Alternatively, open the “Suggested Default Presets” Ableton Live set to view all default presets on one track. Right click and choose “Save as Default Preset” for any device you want.
That's all there is to it. Download our pack at the link below and read up on its contents in the rest of the article.
As we go through detailing our settings for each device, you can click on the images to toggle between Live's stock default preset (in grey) and our recommended one. Both provide a perspective on how you might want to set your defaults.
Audio Effect Rack
Auto Filter
Auto Pan
Beat Repeat
Drum Buss
Dynamic Tube
EQ Eight
EQ Three
External Audio Effect
Filter Delay
Glue Compressor
Grain Delay
Multiband Dynamics
Ping Pong Delay
Simple Delay
Vinyl Distortion
Audio Effect Rack
Auto Filter
Auto Pan
Beat Repeat
Drum Buss
Dynamic Tube
EQ Eight
EQ Three
External Audio Effect
Filter Delay
Glue Compressor
Grain Delay
Multiband Dynamics
Ping Pong Delay
Simple Delay
Vinyl Distortion
Default presets can make a big impact on your workflow - not just in terms of speeding it up, but also by influencing the choices you make. We think our pack with the presets detailed in this article provides a good starting point, but be sure to update your own devices to the particular way you like to use them.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on our future offerings!
Default presets can make a big impact on your workflow - not just in terms of speeding it up, but also by influencing the choices you make. We think our pack with the presets detailed in this article provides a good starting point, but be sure to update your own devices to the particular way you like to use them.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on our future offerings!
Default presets can make a big impact on your workflow - not just in terms of speeding it up, but also by influencing the choices you make. We think our pack with the presets detailed in this article provides a good starting point, but be sure to update your own devices to the particular way you like to use them.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on our future offerings!
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